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Fairbairn Catley Low & Kong (FCLK) Corporate Website Revamp

The goal for the project was to revamp the company website which can present its brand identity to showcase to the client about the company and services provided. As well as able to show a new image of young and modern side of the company.

My Roles...

Project Management

I embarked on the corporate website revamp project for Hong Kong law firm Fairbairn Catley Low & Kong, marking my debut as a freelance designer collaborating closely with another developer. The project commenced with some project management works by presenting initial ideas and overall workflow to the client, facilitating discussions on business requirements, and strategising content restructuring from the existing website tailored to the on trend legal industry.

Support on development and CMS implementation 

Throughout development, I worked closely with programmers to ensure seamless integration of design elements, emphasizing the importance of a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS) to support client needs for regular updates. This involved refining functionalities to meet client specifications and enhance usability.

UI/UX - Wireframe Prototyping and Layout Design 

Given the client's profile as lawyers with varying tech proficiency, I prioritised creating intuitive wireframes to visualise layout concepts and user flow effectively. These wireframes served as crucial tools during stakeholder presentations, including directors and founders, where I facilitated design updates and iterations, incorporating optimal solutions.

UAT and Iterations 

A key aspect of my role included extensive involvement in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to uphold the project's quality standards. This rigorous process ensured that the final product aligned with client expectations, delivering a polished website that met both aesthetic and functional requirements for FCLK.

The Ideas...

Color Scheme 

The website design for FCLK was meticulously crafted to enhance their brand identity and appeal to a modern, younger audience while maintaining professionalism. Drawing inspiration from the corporate logo's purple hue, I introduced complementary orange accents to infuse vibrancy and energy into the site's aesthetic. 

This color scheme not only brightens the overall look but also ensures a dynamic and engaging user experience, steering away from traditional, monotone designs typical of law firm websites. Emphasis was placed on achieving a balanced layout with ample white space and strategic imagery to facilitate easier navigation and readability, crucial for digesting lengthy content.

Font Face 

The choice of fonts, featuring the elegant yet contemporary Big Caslon for headings and the highly legible Nunito Sans for body text, further reinforces a youthful yet authoritative presence online, aligning seamlessly with FCLK's vision and client engagement goals.

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The Result

  • Positive feedback from the stakeholders and the final product was well received

  • FCLK receiving new cases where client learn about the company via the website

  • Effectively shown to potential clients as a credential to learn more about their services

  • Page views gradually increasing especially after releasing of new function: the FAQ and the News Insights

  • The Insights section also able to show the professionalism and it attracts clients with larger scale of business

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